

A tasty treat for you this week, my good friend Walrii (one third of Brisbane beat mongers Dank Morass) has cooked up an awesome mix for your aural delectation. When he wanted to know what sort of mix I would prefer (as his stack of wax is vast and varied), I told him to keep it forward leaning and full of surprises; something he's accomplished in typically renegade fashion. This mix is a bit odd, a bit grubby and a touch esoteric, 40 minutes (or thereabouts) of perception distorting beats and disorientating noises; perfect for a one-man house party or a noisy evening in. I wouldn't recommend operating heavy machinery or doing the dishes whilst you listen, you should probably put your pets in the cupboard too, just in case. Shit, I'm even hiding under my desk until it's over. Enjoy!

No tracklist (yet), its a secret.

Frosted Moon Cakes - Mixed by Walrii

A bit of profile: Dank Morass (or Maurice as Mary Anne Hobbs would have you believe) are carving a scene out of thin air, magic and devotion in the barren Brisbane landscape. Comprised of Walrii, Swob and Danck, they've managed to pin down pretty much every aspect of this constantly evolving, monster of a beat movement, nonchalantly packaging it up with shit hot visuals and the best vibes in town, before unleashing it on the unsuspecting public. Since their inception in 2007 they've hosted a plethora of names, including: Flying Lotus, The Bug, The (mother fucking) Gaslamp Killer, Starkey and Joker (to name but a few), and for those of us that know, this city is far richer for it. They've got more shows coming up later in the year that will blow your mind, so keep that ear firmly pressed to the ground, grapevine or wherever you get your information from.

Here's a link: Dank Morass Site
Facebook: Dank Morass

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